This is a good way to show that we still care; we just arent sure what they might be doing.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'grammarhow_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_13',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-grammarhow_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); Here are some examples to help you with what you need to know: Enjoy yourself is a simple way to remind someone to have fun. Meet the weekend.". Weve started with these because informality is increasingly becoming the order of the day when it comes to emails. Its correct to use the phrase have a great weekend in both formal and informal settings. Enjoy yourself, mate! ======================== They dont always have to be ill or sick to use take care either. Is that how you close e-mails in Spanish? Even in formal emails, it can be useful to show someone that we are still human, and we still want everyone to feel welcome and loved in our business. So, whether youre sending an email to a single recipient or a mass email campaign to your contact database, its always a good idea to personalize your email sign-off. I know you have a hard time with that sometimes. Choosing the right words shouldn't be your limitation! You're wishing your recipient a good day. No one is going to judge you for having a bit of fun! ", It helps a lot when doing school work better than grammerly", I don't know, how did I live without TextRanch editors' amazing help! We hope you and your friends will have a great time at the event.See you there and I wish you a nice week ahead!Sincerely,Maria, How to inform the client that they are out of term, Goodbye Message to Coworkers - Best Examples, 30 Different Ways to Say a Have a Great Weekend'', 50+ Best Ways to Say Have a Good Day at Work, Congratulations For Promotion - Best Examples, How to say that you will get back to the client, How to say that you will prepare new quotes, How to say that you will provide required discount, How to say that you cant provide discount, How to answer when you have the signed order, How to ask the client if they accept the offer, How to chase a client for feedback on your sent offers, How to chase the client to send you back the signed order, Apology for not received expected product/service, What Does CC Mean When Emailing? ;)". var loader = function () { Now, back the hell up, don't touch anything, Our relations with Russia, which have been tested lately, play an important role, You and Deacon and Will Lexington just go off on your tour, The arduousness of jobs in the automotive sector differs between production sites, which are usually automated, She'll sit with them and - and facilitate the playdate, I am, however, speaking completely from the heart when I say that both my group and myself truly appreciate, And once we got past the whole num-num issue, we were able to relax. Have a great weekend!" "Wishing you an awesome day tomorrow, have a great time on the weekend." "Thank you, and have a good weekend." Email sign-offs to continue a conversation. Maybe the person is taking something off your plate during an especially busy week or connecting you with someone in their network. Have a good one is less of a versatile phrase than have a great weekend. Therefore, you should use this phrase when speaking to someone you have a friendly, informal relationship with, as it has a much more casual feel. I hope your week is as sunny and fabulous as you are!6. Input your text below. "Best regards" is an expression that you can use to conclude an email and express your best wishes to the recipient. We write it at the end of an email before giving our name, and it means that we wish the recipient the best day. Our goal is to create English lessons that are easy to understand for everyone. But what time do they read it? If youve just scheduled a meeting or you know there will be many more back-and-forths about a project, close with speak soon.. There are plenty of formal emails that sign off with this one. Other options are: Have a great weekend to you too. The same to you! Remember to use a valid email address. Have a nice weekend! I am not entirely sure. Have a great life It makes them feel appreciated and valued, and, according to asurvey, an email sign-off that includes a thank you receives a response rate 36% higher than other sign-offs. See whos hiring here, and you can even filter your search by benefits, company size, remote opportunities, and more. I hope you find what youre looking for while going on this spiritual journey! How To End A Business Email (With Examples), How to Start an Email & 70 Email Greetings. So lets talk about how to end an email powerfully. "Best regards" is a very versatile phrase that can be used in both formal and informal conversations. Closing your account will prevent you from accessing your past revisions, and you will no longer be eligible for a FREE daily revision. Its a strictly formal closer (we wont see it informally), and it has been dying out in popularity over recent years. I look forward to speaking with you on Thursday. It shows that we know someone has some interesting plans coming up, but we might not be too familiar with them. Come to think of it, I would add these comments. Mix things up sticking with the same old sign-off every single time you send an email might come across like youre not putting in any effort. Additionally, at the end of the article, well take a look at some common variations of the phrase have a great weekend that you might encounter. Take care of yourself this week. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. If, for example, you begin with Hey Dan, it would be somewhat strange to sign off with Sincerely.. w.addEventListener("load", loader, false); Think cover letters, job search and application-related emails (especially if its the first time youre emailing this person), and messages to people you dont know well or at all. (+Alternatives). } else if (w.attachEvent) { "Kisses," "xx," "xoxo," hugs". I hope you have a good one! We use it because kind regards is a simple way of showing that we want them to understand there are no hard feelings after the email. 9. Have a great day . Be creative. You dont want to suck all the fun out of the room! Often, we use it when someone is going on vacation. Best used for someone you havent spoken with in a while. Do you have that professional email mostly written, but youre not quite sure how to wrap it up? Depending on the content, you might find it difficult to read some of the things that get sent to you. ", Human who is reviewing my question not automated machine. And in our case, the weekend is about to happen. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Nevertheless, this is an excellent alternative when you want to diversify your language. In fact, there are three primary elements to a great email sign off: your finishing thoughts, the sign off itself, and your email signature. You need to add a payment method to get our special promo , Enter your email below to get instant access to the first Chapter of our Ebook, We're so happy that you liked your revision! Hope youre making it through [day of the week]. Please have some fun while youre away! + Read the full interview, Zubair Alam Chowdhury, Technical Support Specialist, TextRanch has helped me to improve my written skills as well as to communicate more naturally, like a local English speaker. Also, the phrase can be used when wishing a good week to someone in your family or a client at work. This isnt extremely common in the business email world, but it could work in some situations. Everyone, head home and have a good one! Best regards, All the best, Best wishes, Cheers, (*common in the UK and Australia, informal in other countries) Have a great weekend! We are a team of experienced communication specialists. Here you can set your new address email. s.src = ""; Feel free to use "Happy weekend!" after hanging out with your friend on a Friday afternoon at the coffee shop or park. The most commonly used phrase is Thanks, you too!, other alternatives are: Have a nice week to you too! I hope you have a nice week too. Same to you. In an informal setting, have a good one provides an excellent, casual alternative. As others have noted, spoken parting platitudes at the end of a week are normally started with have, such as: Have a good weekend Have a nice weekend etc. Get it corrected in a few minutes by our editors. Getting this wrong will make you look slapdash and unprofessional. Grammar correction is excellent because the meaning is retained. Here are examples of how to use have a good one in a sentence: Im logging off for the week now. Au plan juridique, de nombreux ACR Sud-Sud existants prvoient simplement d'agir au mieux pour adopt er, tenir jour et appliquer des rgles de concurrence. ", Thank you TextRanch. "Best regards" typically suggests that you respect the recipient, but don't necessarily have a close personal relationship with them. Best wishes for a great week ahead. Why not try these on for size? I hope that you have a great week.3. (Note: Try to match how effusive your thanks is with the reason youre expressing gratitude to avoid confusionthanks a million for something relatively small could leave the email receiver wondering if youre being sarcastic.). Heres to your weekend plans, then! I wish I could be coming along with you, but Ill be right here waiting for you! Have an awesome weekend! Have a lovely weekend! Have a pleasant weekend! Have a happy weekend! Your text is being reviewed by one of our Experts.We will notify you when your revision is ready. Translator. Paolo SantiagoGraphic Designerhe/him/his(555) 123-4567 The phrase Have a great weekend is used to wish someone to have a great weekend (Saturday and Sunday). Most email marketing software will allow you to personalize elements of your emails, including the recipients name, salutation, and company name. Lets explore each element so you can create professional, engaging emails that further your goals: Simply put, the finishing thoughts are the last sentence or two that conclude the body of your email. In some other cases, we might simply be sending a formal email to thank somebody for something they have already done for us. This one might work to sign off an email as follows: Have a nice day works well in many formal emails. In most cases, its better to be polite than casual. We can use dont forget to show that they might not always have the most fun, and it would help if they didnt take themselves so seriously and enjoyed their time. The editors' comments are helpful and the customer service is amazing. This one might be a little strange for a business email, but if you feel its appropriate, go for it. Additionally, its not unusual to encounter slight variations of this phrase, such as the examples listed below: In conclusion, the phrase have a great weekend is perfectly grammatically correct, and you can use it in both formal and informal circumstances. Kind regards - even friendlier still. Wish them well. I like most the human factor. Free and automatic, this tool compares phrases. While the phrase usually means we hope someone feels better soon, it can simply mean we hope they stay positive and healthy in email formats. So, that needs a period. } else if (w.attachEvent) { estimated time: 30 minutes,directly in your inbox. (Helpful Examples), 9 Other Ways to Say Im Good At on a Resume, 10 Polite Ways to Say No Visitors after Surgery, 11 Best Ways to Say Im Here for You to a Loved One, 10 Professional Ways to Say I Am Not Feeling Well. var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; Yours truly. I read the latter very often, but have never come accross the former in an email and I do not feel like writing "Have a nice day/afternoon" from 17:00. })(window, document); 2023 TextRanch, LLC. Enjoy the rest of the day and have a great upcoming weekend!4. You always take yourself too seriously! An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Have some fun while youre away, okay? w.attachEvent("onload", loader); For when youre catching up with an old colleague or having an enjoyable, in-depth conversation with someone. Its another old-fashioned closer that rarely gets seen today. w.onload = loader; Take care, have a wonderful time, and enjoy the break!8. Yes, there is something about nice that sounds very tepid. By continuing to use this website, you agree to our Terms of Service. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Have a wonderful, positive, and happy weekend!10. Best Good Morning Quotes Have A Good Weekend I like to think of the weekends as God's blessings, and His beautiful blessings are coming to us tomorrow! Hey, dan! Yes, you can, but if you decide to use it on Wednesday its already too early. if (w.addEventListener) { Even if you do not have a glass to raise when saying it, the implication is still the same. See you on Monday! Thank you. Hope you have a nice weekend! I really appreciate all the answers, but I am still puzzled that "Have a good/nice day" is a common closing and "Have a good/nice afternoon/evening" sounds so weird. w.addEventListener("load", loader, false); Weve broken down our favourite email sign-offs for you into seven handy sub-sections, Email sign-off golden rules | Casual email sign-offs | Email sign-offs to continue a conversation |Email sign-offs saying thanks | Formal email sign-offs | Informal email sign-offs | Sign-offs to avoid. We can use it to show that we care enough about someone to allow them to enjoy their time away from work. } If youre expecting your email recipients to keep in touch, provide a few ways in which they can get hold of you. tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s, tag); We can replace great with this phrase when we want to be a bit more enthusiastic about the wishes we are giving to someone. The 37 best email sign-offs to set your message apart. If youre many emails deep into a friendly or casual chain, you can also consider dropping the sign-off completely and just putting your name at the end of each email. Heres to your weekend plans, buddy! For many people "have a nice day" is a reflexive response that is basically bereft of thought or meaning.
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best regards and have a nice weekend 2023