Play a third Arbalest on the same row as your other units and destroy the General. Afterwards, talk to the man in the village four times to receive a treasure map. The first choice will will result in you receiving 5000G at a later time (when you won't need be needing it) so giving it to Hoog is the optimum choice. In the village, you can read the notice board to point out nearby points of interest and unlock the fast travel point. Note that you can repair the morale loss with a nearby shrine. Wolfsbane (Trinket)Draw 2 random units from your reserve deck and set their strength to 1. Head southwest through the abandoned stone circle and unlock the fast travel point. A short way north you'll find a rubbish pile that you can examine. There is a Wagenburg unit on the enemy ranged row. Don't use the Mahakam Ale trinket because you have no way of recovering it and it will boost the enemy for the remainder of the battle. Wow, lot to go through there, most of em I've added to the guide, but a few I'll comment on: For consistency's sake: You forgot to mention the Skellige Party joining (Arnjolf & his gang) after this part of the 'Behind enemy lines section [just before the Tomb]. You will emerge in a marsh. You can choose the let the freed slaves accompany your army. Use the Rivian Broadsword to punish them for all having the same power. A suggested upgrade order in the workshop is as follows: Unlocking the Strays Den node will double the effectiveness of Strays Bomber units making subsequent encounters a lot easier. Each row on the board is filled with 8 corpses. Deploy the second Alchemist anywhere and select the Sapper so that his strength is reduced to 4. This can be awesome or can suck, unlike the Flail which is always good. Choose to attack the castle to proceed. Place it on the melee row and attack the 8 HP Elemental, leaving it on the ranged row with 3 HP. Return to the main path and head west. You'll also find a golden chest here (9/10). Instead of going west, continue southwest and round until you come to a blockage. Go behind her house to find several loot piles. Move Gascon two spaces down and use, say, Held Breath. Return the way you came and head west. You have space for another trinket (even though you don't have a second one yet) and by upgrading the Royal Tent, you can add slots for an additional two. Prioritise the Black Infantry Arbalest units since they are the most damaging that the enemy has access to. It will be reduced to 1 HP and moved to the melee row. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. Version 1.0 of the guide is now available here: I'm not sure how far into the guide you are, but I have contributed to some reddit threads asking about consequences, you so I might be able to help out when I'm free. Talk to the Lyrian soldier for four more. Your goal is to gain 7 charges on your Old Catapault so that you can break down a dam to drown the monsters infesting the area. Return to the temple grounds and head east then north. There's no point in killing them since they'll just be summoned back from the graveyard each turn. Your goal is to arrange the stones on the far side of the board such that they are a mirror image of the stones on your side. If you lynched the nonhumans in Elkenfurt or murdered the patients in the field hospital, these episodes will not go unmentioned. There's a main quest battle coming up shortly so you may want to avail yourself of the nearby shrine if you haven't done so already. Head northwest and collect a letter from the notice board. Play an Epidemic card, destroying the Barghests and three of your units. Unfortunately, she cannot be directly targeted. Continue northwest. Even just a written version of that would kind've been cool, in the sense of: I'm usually just checking to see if 1. Follow the path to the end to find a trader who will trade wood for gold or vice versa. Leave the temple and start making your way north. Gold and wood can be found in the overworld and in after-battle spoils. Forager + (Human, Field Support)Gains 2 power and the ability to destroy two cards to the right. When you have the choice, order an attack on the Nilfgaardian convoy. Among the after-battle spoils is a letter. Otherwise, you will have to decide whether to abandon the soldier, which will cost you morale, or take him with you which will allow sickness to spread through your forces and cost you recruits. Go left to find a merchant who will exchange wood for gold and vice versa. Do not talk to the man with the "?" Use the recruitment post here and make a note of the nearby shrine. If you agree, you will lose advantage. Go down the nearby steps to the southeast. If your morale is raised, your units will count as boosted and the Elven Archers will do 6 damage rather than 2. No choice actually results in you obtaining wood. Continue along the path, gathering loot, and unlock the next fast travel point. Not bad. Stack your deck with, say, 5 Regiment Drummers and you can flood the battlefield early in any round. This is an excellent command ability and I suggest you equip it right away. Take the path leading southwest, go through the gate and read the noticeboard. March the two infantry to your ranged row and place Raymond in your melee row. Examine it and choose to attack the elves' hideout for a battle. If it's on the melee row, the stongest will be attacked. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. If you let the Rivians in Mahakam leave rather than handing them over to the dwarves, you can talk to the man at the top of the town to receive 2500G or a morale boost for your army. The southern path leads to the continuation of the main quest so take the bridge to the west. Fighting the Nilfgaardians will restore your army's morale but will have negative consequences down the line. Play the Rivian Sapper and eliminate the remaining enemies. I'm going to lose a character, 2. There are two different versions of this battle depending on whether you chose Gascon or Reynard. There will also be a letter for you to read. The enemy deploys spectral units that haunt your allied units - an effect that does increasing amounts of damage each turn. There's also a new report for you to read. Use the Decoy card to recall the Arbalest. Go behind the building and look near a tree for a dig point that reveals the final golden chest for this chapter (10/10). You've also got one battle in which to use it and in that battle you don't want to destroy enemies. Ignore the Nilfgaardian camp to the east for the moment. Eyck will also join your forces permanently. Using orders will then increase your power as well. Play an Arbalest in your ranged row and damage an Archespore by 3. Use Longsword on the units that you want to keep alive. After the battle, you'll learn that transport is carrying slaves. When you reach the main path, go west and then south to grab some loot. Even when you do, the enemy can replay them from the graveyard every other turn. Unlock the fast travel point and examine the elven ruins nearby. Unlock the fast travel point. This is reasonably easy: use Meve's Rivian Broadsword ability, Wagenburg units and Arbalests to destroy the enemy's limbs. If you didn't already, you may want to pray at the shrine you passed earlier. Place a Slinger in your ranged row and select the three Scythemen. Use the Forager to consume the two Arbalest units to his right. Loot the area and continue northwest. Use Black Blood and boost the 107 strength Drone at C6 by 18. Afterwards, you can read some Scoia'tael propaganda in your reports. Barnabas offers to transform the town's economy. Play another Arbalest on your ranged row and attack the fifth corpse along clearing the row. The Troll has seven snowballs which he will throw at the row with the most humans in it. You have two units with 5 strength in your melee row along with a Decoy with 8. Play a Mantlet to the left of the Forager and mark an Arbalest. Note that there must be a space in the target row to place the trap. Continue south across the bridges to the next area. Attack a different Barghest with each and the Hag will destroy them, replacing them with 5 HP versions. They have a nice synergy with the Aretuza Adept since, if duplicated, they will appear on the field right away. Destroy the Water Hag on your melee row with the Lyrian Arbalest, adding a Slinger to your hand. Cannot target bosses. If you completed all the puzzle battles in the previous two chapters you should also receive the Those Gears Are Turning trophy. At any time, you can order it to spend all accrued armour points to damage an entire enemy row by an equal amount. Unlock the nearby fast travel point and continue south for another scene and a battle. You can choose to forego vengeance or you can give the order to attack. Return the way you came and continue round to find some ruins. You have an optional goal of killing Lippy. Or not since you probably have no need of resources. Your goal is to destroy the two Deranged Cows. Lay the Arbalests next to it. Unfortunately, he has doesn't have any other special abilities which means that he's only useful when the goal is simple accumulation of unit power. Grey Rider (Human, Field Support)When you play a different unit, or move a different unit to the other row, this card moves next to it and boosts it by 2. There will also be new reports to read. Again, respond as you like. You will be fighting with a custom deck (i.e. Play your Lyrian Arbalest next. If the row is on fire, damage all units on the row by 5. You may want to back up your save before approaching the quest marker. This will destroy it along with the rest of the corpses. This is one of three decisions that will determine whether she stays with you after this chapter. Currently this is the Lyrian Banner which allows Meve to use her command abilities more frequently. Grab loot as you make your way south towards the fast travel point. Your goal is to reduce all enemy archers to 1 HP each while keeping Meve alive. Further on you'll reach a camp. Watch out for the Overgrown Arachas that spawn Hatchlings whenever they take damage and survive. This will unlock the Out of the Sizzlixer Into the Fire trophy. Return to the main path and cross the bridge. When you come to a crossroads, take the western path. From here, fast travel to the sign post outside the cemetery. After 3 turns switch the marked unit's strength with this one. Nilfgaardians fleeing the village have taken everything of value with them. 6 damage to the enemy every turn is pretty powerful. Lyrian Scythemen are invaluable here because you can boost them easily. Spend 250G to bury the dead and raise your army's morale. I'm going to shoot myself in the foot down the track, 3. You can then use an Alchemist to duplicate that power to another unit. Examine the corpse for a key and a letter. Read the notice board and look just south of it for loot and a recruitment post. Return the way you came and when you cross the bridge, head southeast through the swamp. Foragers in conjunction with Alchemists can be invaluable for multiplying your forces' power. For any future playthrough (where you're not going for a platinum trophy), actions that improve your standing with the dwarves include: Note that winning maximum favour will require you to lose both Eyck and Gabor and not have Rayla in your army in the first place. Continue south to fight a battle against monsters. Way better than the Fortitude Tonic, that's for sure! This should complete another card. Again, the enemy will move its card and do no damage. There are also 2 Guard units with 7 HP who will damage Falbeson by 9 when they die. Grab the loot and read the notice board. You'll have a new report to read afterwards as well. One occupies each row on the board. Your goal is to boost one unit to 125 strength. You can choose to attack them or let them depart. If you choose to intervene you will have to fight a puzzle battle. Use your Wagenburg units to finish it off. You will find a letter among the after-battle spoils. The Manticore Trophy and a Pitfall Trap or two will more than compensate. It seems to me that the answers that change your army's morale are the wrong way round. If you choose to allow Rayla to look around the village, you will find out what happened to Elkenfurt's human inhabitants. Before you can attack Vreemde, however, you'll need to eliminate the Elite unit that gives him immunity. Go south for a scene to meet Gascon, the bandits' leader. You can talk to the woman here but she doesn't have anything useful to say. This will result in lowered morale and significant resource loss. Nothing happens with the feast other than a background change and minor dilogue changes, if it resulted in +Morale then I'dve included that. As you continue south, you will learn of a traitor in your ranks which will lower your army's morale. Approach the Water Hag for a battle. Again, the unit seems to be bugged in that if you kill the last enemy, the game forces you to damage your own forces. You may need to rearrange your deck a little. Continue west to unlock the fast travel point and then examine the glowing object nearby. Since you won't be aiming to eliminate enemy units, you'll probably want to leave Gabor out. You will have to go around the structure here to gain entrance. You can choose to follow it or ignore it. After the battle, gather the spoils and examine the tomb in the top left corner where you can acquire a card fragment for 100G. Your units will now have 11 and 6 HP. Keep to the east of the new area to pick up some loot then go west for a bit more loot and a scene with Nilfgaardian pursuers. Spend 250G to give the dead a proper burial to increase army morale. This will allow you to bring up the map view from the overworld. Use the Skull, select all Arbalest units and choose the enemy ranged row to damage the Grave Hag by 8. Approach the dog for a scene. Either do 10 damage a selected enemy or play one of the trinkets in your hand. You will receive a Morana Runestone trinket after defeating them. There's nothing really comprehensive out there just yet. Your enemy has five Nilfgaardian Knights, three with 15 HP and two with 10. Not as good as being able to select any unit but this is pretty powerful. As always, the way to deal with them is to kill weaker enemies. The choice you make here is the first of the three choices that will determine whether Rayla will stay with you at the end of the chapter. The priestess will bless you and boost your morale so that you're in the green again. That's a somewhat rubbish ability that takes ages to trigger. Adjust your army for the final assault. You'll receive a new weapon for Meve. Reinforcements (Trinket)Choose an ally and play all copies of it from your deck. The enemy has a grave hag with 7 strength who will consume a card from the graveyard every two turns, an Alghoul with 11 strength and 3 Nekkers with 3. Two peasants standing by the roadside will mention seeing a mysterious boat. You'll find some additional loot to the east and west. Dimeritium Shackles (Trinket)Summons three units from your opponent's deck to your side and locks them. Dig up the gold and you will also unearth a golden chest (6/9). The Dao will destroy all units on the field but will be destroyed by the deathwish actions of the two infantry. Meve and Reynard will note that you're nearing Count Caldwell's estates. Choose to enter the tomb for a battle. Use a Royal Decree and play one Arbalest on your melee row and one on your ranged row. Alternatively, you can use the DOT effect to power up Eyck. You will learn that Typhus has broken out among your troops. Okay, I understand. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America),,, Place Reynard on D2 and move him one space left to D1 and one space up to C1. Do so and you'll come across some Nilfgaardians fighting a troll. Order the Troll to let the Rivian Pikeman pass. If you have both Rayla and Isbel in your party, you may want to refuse to help. Approach the platform overlooking the valley for a scene and examine the nearby stone obelisk for a letter. Your Wagenburg will now have six armour so use it to destroy the mob. Every slot on each row is occupied by 2 strength Arachas Drones. You can choose to let them join your army. Take the western path first and approach the Leshen for a battle. Read a new batch of reports in the Royal Tent. You can choose to requisition their wares or refuse to steal from the dead. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . The extremely long cooldown prevents this from being awesome. You will be battling the forces of the Mysterious Figure. Since these units start off with 4 HP and no armour you can take them out with your command ability. Examine the mine entrance for a puzzle battle. Instead, use Bekker's Dark Mirror and Meve's Flail on your opening turn to reduce the Shaelmaar's health to 8. Play the second Alchemist + anywhere you like (or another Hajduk to the left of the Alchemist already on the board). Pretty good but probably not as good as the Lyrian Horn card. Approach the bridge leading to the cemetery for a scene. Fortunately, most attacks on your units damage them by 2 which you can make up with Eyck and the Manticore trophy. I think I prefer the Manticore Trophy myself. This should make a grand total of 10 trinkets, unlocking the Hoarder trophy. If a guard ends up three squares from Gascon and facing him, he will be caught. Go south to find another abandoned village. You will find a letter and a key among the after-battle loot. Go southwest into the swamp and approach the druids for a scene. Choose to help the troll for a battle. Visit the Skelligan camp that you pass. Play an Arbalest on your ranged row and attack the fourth corpse along. Afterwards, a lumberjack will explain that they won't be paid unless the wood gets to Nilfgaard. I suggest targeting a Slinger for 2 damage. Since Vreemde has 20 power which he restores each turn, this will require a charged Wagenburg, a full rank and an Arbalest. This randomness limits their overall usefulness but it's not bad to have one in your deck in a full battle. Approach them for a scene. Here's a solution: You'll receive a Decoy trinket following victory. The Troll will slow a snowball at your ranged row, moving everyone onto the melee row. Examine it and order your men to search the cave. If you follow the path east, you'll come across a spiked pit blocking your way. Place an Arbalest in your ranged row and attack the 3 HP Elemental for 1 HP damage, leaving it on the melee row with 2 HP. Place the last Slinger in your melee row and target the three units with Meve. The loyal ability makes them not completely worthless but I'm not sure they're worth their unit cost. If you order him to be whipped, you'll gain nothing from it. Dagur Two Blades (Human)His deployment ability allows you to replay all Skellige units in the graveyard. Afterwards, cross the bridge to the northeast. This will pull in another Gawker. Return to the gate that you ignored earlier for a scene. Press the men into service: +3 recruits. or agree. Although the path forward is southeast, go northwest first to find a recruitment post, some loot and a golden chest (1/9). At some point, the enemy will start playing Commandant cards which are powerful but take damage when enemy units are destroyed. Alchemist + (Human, Field Support)Gains 4 power and its deployment ability becomes an order ability. Deploy Strays Cavalry units to target it. Your immediate goal is to kill the enemy Scout units. Use the Slinger to move the remaining Water Hag one row up. Return to the main path and wade southeast through the swamp for another monster battle. Continue across the bridge and head west when you get to the other side. Do not go for the Recruits since they'll simply be replaced. Lyrian Landsknecht (Human, Blitz)When ordered, damage all enemies with the same strength by 1. Examine the point of interest and pay 2 recruits and 75 wood to recover the card fragment. If you prevented the savage ritual they will give you a decent chunk of gold and wood. Agree to join in the celebrations. Play your Arbalest against any card in the enemy front row. Talk to the retainer at the gate. Return to the main path leading northeast and unlock the fast travel point just in front of the bridge. Examine the statue near the praying nun. If you end up with, say, a bunch of Scythemen and a couple of medics, just restart. Meve: Angreni Blade (Weapon)Every 6 turns, shuffle an ally back into your deck and play two other cards from your deck. Fortunately, they also damage their entire row when you destroy them. A funeral for miners killed by an explosion is being held and the mood has turned ugly. Use Reinforcements to play all your remaining Arbalests in the same row as you placed the other cards. The game will force you to use the Fortitude Tonic even though you can win by passing. After a couple of turns draining her, they will stop. This is a standard battle. Leave Crumhorne through the northeast exit. You'll find that you're on the other side of the blockage. After that, just wait until you have the ability to do 20 damage in a single round. Read the nearby notice board and unlock the fast travel point. If you recruited that elf earlier, you will learn that he is the one responsible for poisoning the water. Follow the game's instructions to win the final round and the battle. Interact it with it to have a golden chest appear (1/10). Unlock the fast travel point and keep going west until you come to a puzzle battle. To the north is an abandoned village where you can gather resources and find the eviction notice issued to the villagers on the notice board. Personally, I prefer the Flail since it can actually kill enemies. After the battle, you will find that the village you've just liberated is inhabited by Nilfgaardian settlers. Read the notice board to pick out points of interest and gather loot, not forgetting one to the top left of the burning village. Ignore the hole in the wall for the moment (you can increase morale here, but your morale should already be in the green) and continue northeast. Respond in the first instance as you please (I was tempted to have the man flogged, I must say). There's nothing special about this battle. You will see another village to the south. You will be fighting a creature called the Colossal Beast with an optional goal of eliminating it. Use a Strays Saboteur on the Spotter at C2 and move Gascon up to C1. Go south into the next village. Help yourself to the contents of his woodpile regardless. It is also a battle where you can unlock the Party's Over trophy. Return to the bridge and go east. Also the Gheso Arbalests will be quite useful here. At least your morale goes up. This is the only way to eliminate the enemy. You can have a whole bunch of new conversations in the Mess Tent and read some new reports in the Royal Tent.
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