Or learn some more fun French slang! But you can also ask for a menu, which is usually called a fixed-price menu in English. Oui. The above phrase can be used in those scenarios, too, and is a great way to identify people who are able to speak French and who know their way around town. And of course, don't forget to say thank you! Est-ce que le poste est temps complet ou temps partiel ? Or Bonsoir if it's the evening. Sometimes pardon doesn't quite cut it. (Well take the bottle. Do you live with another person? Use it wisely! This dialogue offers opportunities to practice a formal register, modal verbs such as vous devez (you must) and vous pouvez (you can) and saying thank you. Be polite but firm when someone tries to speak English with you tell them Je voudrais parler franais I'd like to speak French.. (Yes. If there are a group of you, replace ma photo (my photo) with notre photo (our photo). Youve done the museums, the galleries, the restaurants, the cafs time to party! Since toilettes is plural, you must use sont, not est where are the toilets?, rather than where is the toilets, which wouldnt make sense.). ), Est-ce que le service est compris ? Dave: Here you are. Have a good day!). Don't confuse this with ordonner, which is used in the sense of to order a person to do something, such as in the military. If you want to check out the region to which youre traveling, France.fr is a great place to do so. It's universally polite and friendly, whether the situation is formal or informal. Theyre like training wheels before you get out into the real world to converse with native French speakers. Si is one of many linguistic features that I sorely miss when I speak English. Another useful word could beun impt (a tax). Read this dialogue with a partner to practice your pronunciation. How to Practice with French Conversation Scripts, Where to Find French Conversation Practice Scripts. I present you) Nice to meet you, Robert. The video itself starts with dialogues aimed at beginner and pre-intermediate learners and moves up to more advanced topics for intermediate and upper-intermediate learners. ), VOUS: Oui. CV stands for curriculum vitae, and its used in place of a resume when applying to jobs in many French-speaking places. You'll also learn how to talk about your nationality. In this post, Ill introduce you to 108 basic French phrases for travelers, as well as tips and cultural context so theyre easier to memorize ahead of time. Try different countries, names, fields of study, etc. Combien de nuits resterez-vous ? If you want to introduce yourself in French, then this French conversation is for you. Unfortunately, lifes not a movie. Tu es amricain ? Je mappelle Lisa. Dont worry if you dont understand. T : how do you do. plus/ plus tard ! (Thank you. Speak French Fluently has a fair collection of dialogues from authentic French sources with full French transcripts from France, Quebec and Africa. So if you're not sure, ask someone comment a s'ecrit? How do you spell that? Literally: How does that write itself?, Or if you don't trust your own transcription abilities, try asking them to write it for you: say Est-ce que vous pouvez l'crire? Can you write it (down)?, Struggling to find your way around? Hello, my name is Robert. This ones based on an encounter I had at a French grocery store when I forgot that at most European supermarkets, you weigh vegetables in the produce section and a machine prints a barcode that can be scanned at check-out. Agent: Merci. Here are some other romantic French phrases: Wondering what a famous French saying is that you could use in everyday life? (Okay. Tchin tchin ! Dialogue [129] Easy To Pass [6] Electrical [42] Email [46] Essay [44] Exam Strategy [10] Grammar [33] Graph N Chart [33] Letter [151] Jtudie la musique. ), GRARD: Non, mais il y a un lave-linge pour mes vtements. Just learn the phrase as a whole for now, and things will become clear later.). Non ! Youll raise some impressed eyebrows if you bust out this fancy French nice to meet ya.. (Download). And I would like a room with a bathroom, please. ), VOUS: Le professeur travaillera le weekend ? 64% (14) 64% found this document useful (14 votes) 53K views 3 pages. After some pleasantries, Grard takes you on a tour of his apartment. There are also different terms of address in French, and depending on how well you know someone, youll have to address them in a certain way. Votre temprature du corps est de 38.5 C. Unlike in English, where we say I am looking for the French dont use a preposition (for) after the verb, and simply follow this phrase with what theyre searching for. This is a more casual version of hello. Youll hear the young folks throwing this one around. Im looking for the Saint Agatha Church. Be aware that paying for items when abroad may not work the same way as at home. ), VOUS: Merci pour les renseignements. Vous pouvez laisser les autres articles ici. Learn French with Vincent is a YouTube channel that covers all things French. ), MARIE: Quelle est la spcialit du jour ? So on the one hand, you need to learn the basic conversation if you want to fit in. Bonjour is a combination of the words bon (good) and jour (day). ? Vous devriez vous reposer. (Have a good day.). (I study history because I want to be a high school history teacher. ), VOUS: Oui. I'm you'e tour guide,my name is Febi. What is the matter? A free French exercise to learn French. Getting to Know Someone; 2. The site has introductory pointers for each conversation. Tu is what you'd use when addressing a friend. (You should rest. English speaking: Information for tourists and visitors. (I am an only child. The teacher will work each morning from 9 am to 11:30 am. can take anywhere. As such, some tourists feel ignored and get upset at perceived bad service. If you would like to ask your server something, simply raise your hand as your server goes by or say excusez-moi (excuse me). Aside from traditional language and grammar lessons, this channel also has tons of French dialogues. These days you normally use you when you're talking about people in general. The second bedroom is a home office. (Im satisfied/Im full.) You arrive first, armed with a box of chocolate from a real chocolatier (chocolate maker)as is customary to give to hosts when you go to someones home. (I would like a pint of light ale/glass of wine. Literally, these questions mean what do you call yourself?. The other person will tell you if they want you to say tu to them instead! Je les vends dans mon magasin. Est-ce quil y a un lave-vaisselle dans la cuisine ? If youre speaking to a local and would like them to speak a little more slowly, its better to just ask them, rather than suffering in silence. Jespre jouer un jour dans un orchestre. Jeannette Zeuner. Je mappelle Grard. One great phrasebooks for French learners are the Collins French Phrasebook, which contains a French dictionary for your convenience. As you can imagine, due to the content and the spontaneity of these dialogues, these are recommended for intermediate to advancedFrench learners. Que font tes parents ? Replace beau with froid (cold), chaud (hot), or moche (bad) accordingly, using trs (very) to . (We will have a chocolate souffl to share.). FluentU brings French to life with real-world videos. There are many types of videos for all interests and French proficiency levels, including music videos, clips from movies and shows, trailers, news segments, childrens cartoons, commercials and many others. If you run into trouble in France, one good address to have on hand is that of the American embassy. Bonne journe ! X could be many things: la Tour Eiffel, le Louvre, Notre Dame or perhaps something less exotic, like le metro or un restaurant. Contents. As a main dish, I would like the chicken cordon bleu. It can make the script seem more realistic and enjoyable. Je voudrais postuler ce poste. Quest-ce que tu tudies ? Picture getting off a crowded train, being careful you don't bump into anyone as you walk through the crowded metro station. The next day, you decide to eat an early breakfast and explore the quaint town youre visiting. ), VOUS: Jai un passeport amricain. Jtais tuteur danglais aux tats-Unis. (Yes. If youre struggling to know which one to use, always veer on the side of caution and usevous. a - Greetings is politeness 101. Practicing with a French conversation script allows you to become familiar with certain key words or phrases that you'll need in the real world. France isn't the cheapest of countries so whether you're at the guichet or elsewhere, it doesn't hurt to be price-conscious. There are more formal dialogues for situations like work, but also natural and spontaneous telephone conversations and conversations between friends. Please note, this customer is a lead, which means they have already shown an interest in the services offered by the travel company. ), RCEPTIONNISTE: Avez-vous une rservation ? Create a unique voice for every character. ), Puis-je commander cela sur lInternet ? But if a collision does occur, it's fine. a te dit daller boire un verre ce soir ? (Yes, I brought it with me. Puis-je avoir un plan du mtro, sil vous plat ? Non, je regarde pour linstant. Ma famille vient de la Cte dIvoire. (That works. Je mintresse au poste de professeur danglais. We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. Staff are likely to have all the information about local transport and taxis and normally will be able to supply you with one in no time at all! . When youre talking about jobs in French, remember that you dont need the word un or une (a/an). Siska : Okay let's go to the bus . If possible, act out the scenario with a partner, whether thats someone who speaks French or is a learner like you. FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. (Good! Je mintresse au poste de professeur danglais. ), TU: Est-ce quil y a une baignoire dans la salle de bain ? VOUS: Excusez-moi, Monsieur. ), MDECIN: Ok. Je vais prendre votre temprature et couter vos poumons avec le stthoscope. At the . (I really enjoyed myself.) Bonne journe ! Guide: Yes mam, I'm your tour guide. A carte is what you typically think of when you hear the word menu. You can get a head start on polite conversation for practical, everyday matters with ed2gos Beginning Conversational French course. Take a look at our favourite language courses. ), TOI: Je mappelle Lisa. for the rest of your life, here are the most important and useful French phrases that you should learn A.S.A.P. If a private restroom is something that youd like, its always a good idea to confirm that the room has a salle de bain before booking. Akihabara wa, koko s j-nen de Akihabara to yoba re, Akihabara chiku wa nihon'noanime, manga, bideogmu no otaku bunka no chshinchi to shite fuj shimashita. This is a much more polite term of address, and expected when you havent gotten to know someone well yet. Youre sure to exude a certainje nesaisquoi(I dont know what) as well as an ease with pronouns. You can do the same with the interactive subtitles at any point during the video, and pull up a contextual definition, example sentences and even other videos where the word is used. Note the use of the polite vous rather than the informal tu. Bon apptit! These French travel phrases will have your back throughout your trip! ), MARIE: Mon pre est diplomate et ma mre est mdecin. Donnez-moi une minute. This is also the polite way to ask someone to get out of your way. The simplest way to do this is to say je ne peux pas manger de X I can't eat X. (Oh, yes. (My dad is also a doctor. Before you leave for your trip, try making a list of things youd like to do. This is the scenario. FluentU brings French to life with real-world videos. (Is there an after party? WhyUse Dialogue Examples to Study French? Que font ton frre et ta sur ? While its essentially the same as a resume, there are some meaningful differences, so make sure to master writing a CV in French before applying to jobs. Here, Ill provide 10 simple, sample French conversation scripts, along with resources so you can find more on your own. Enfin, avez-vous quelque chose avec votre adresse, une facture par exemple? Je cherche lglise Sainte-Agathe. (It is 650 euro a month.). Keep in mind that not all hotels offer private bathrooms for their guests. ), MDECIN: Votre temprature du corps est de 38.5 C. Theres more. Download: / Whats up? They aren't very common in France and if you do find one, you'll probably have to pay to use it. Then let them know that you had fun! Here are some of the more common ways to fill in the blank: If you're vegetarian, say so with je suis vgtarien (for men) or vgtarienne (for women.). (Thank you, sir. Nous voudrions une bouteille de vin rouge. (What instrument? Pouvez-vous revenir demain, vers 14h ? Addressing someone by the equivalent of sir or madam in French is generally expected, so if in doubt, err on the side of being over-politethe person taking your photo is much more likely to accept your request! Cest super de ne pas aller la laverie automatique. Merci beaucoup - "Thanks a lot". French kids enjoy 16 weeks of vacation (+ all the long weekends and official holidays) The French school vacation is divided as follows: France's Summer break: "les grandes vacances", July and August, so 8 weeks total. Et pour le dner, quest-ce que vous voudriez ? To ask how much something costs, say c'est combien? how much is it? You can also say Combien a cote? literally, how much does it cost?, It's worth learning this phrase, because you might need it in a hurry! French conversation scripts such as these can give you key words that are likely to come up in an actual conversation, as well as familiarize you with conversational flow. (No. This alone is extremely beneficial for French learners. (No, but I have a stuffy nose. (I play the violin.). DIALOGUES WRITING - BETWEEN TOURISTS AND GUIDES - English Study Material. Or how do you say cool in French slang? Conversation Between Tour Guide and Tourist. Feel free to customize the conversation. Both of these phrases are really essential when traveling, so make sure you learn them ahead of time! France's Fall vacation: "les vacances de la Toussaint . I speak at a normal speed first and then repeat more slowly so that you can rep. In order to get the most out of the trip, its a great idea for tourists and travelers to learn some basic French phrases and words ahead of time. a va ? RCEPTIONNISTE(RECEPTIONIST): Est-ce que je pourrais vous aider ? On the other hand, to inquire when a place will be opening, ask quelle heure est-ce que cela ouvre ? (I am glad/delighted to meet you.) What are the most common phrases in French? Becoming sick while traveling or living abroad isnt something we want to think about, but its always a good idea to be prepared with French medical terms just in case. Ma mre est franaise et mon pre vient de Core. Looking for something? ), GRARD: Quel instrument ? (My dad is a diplomat and my mom is a doctor. (to yours!) This is a more casual way of introducing yourself. Because youre roughly the same age, you employ the informal tu (you). ), TOI: Jai un petit frre et une grande sur. ), Je voudrais payer en liquide/espces. The best part: Each dialogue is spoken in slow, clear French and is complete with engaging visuals and a French transcript as part of the video itself. These images show ruined buildings in the city of Uman, located in central Ukraine, after Russia fired more than 20 cruise missiles and two drones at the region on Friday, killing at least 23 people. If you ), GRARD: Non, je vis tout seul. A more casual way to greet people is salut, which can mean either hi! or bye!. (Of course. (clink clink!) Enchant/Enchante. To ask when a shop or attraction is closing, use this question. This is a handy little word that has no direct equivalent in English. If you're checking into a hotel in a French-speaking country, one useful thing to know the checkout time. This is the polite way of saying how are you? in French. (Yes. French newbiesmight want to start with the video below, which provides more than an hour of focused, beginner-level dialogues. You can also ask if there is an entrance fee or admission cost. Generally, it's easier to figure out a word's pronunciation from its spelling than it is to know its spelling from its pronunciation. Je suis moiti franaise, moiti corenne mais nous habitons en Suisse. ), BANQUIER (BANKER): Trs bien. And I have a big television in the living room. Il fait beau means it's nice out, which hopefully your weather will be! Enfin, avez-vous quelque chose avec votre adresse, une facture par exemple? (Were taking shots! The chicken cordon bleu was delicious. I would like to apply for this job. Avez-vous de lexprience dans lenseignement de langlais ? In the above example, if you say si, it clearly conveys that you have, in fact, been to Paris. Introducing yourself. Bisous/Bises ! Podcast Franais Facile (Easy French Podcast) has almost 100 dialogue examples sorted by situation. All Rights Reserved. This is another way of saying This is [my] when you want to introduce two people to each other. 2023 Enux Education Limited. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe. Note that, unlike in English, names of languages are not written with a capital letter in French. This is some real franaissoutenu(formal French), and youll rarely hear a young French person say this. MDECIN (DOCTOR): Bonjour. For example, if you're trying to exit a crowded train, a soft excusez-moi should (hopefully) be enough to make people step aside. Use this one for when you want to keep things casual, with thetuform. When dining out in any language, there are usually a few subtleties around how to order. How much does it cost? Pas de problme. Further, a medical doctor is not a docteur in French; that more commonly denotes someone who has received their PhD. You can get used to hearing the French language before you leave your house with immersion programs. Cest obligatoire ? (How are you? (I will have a nioise salade and the coq au vin. What if you need to say something in French, but the exact word escapes you? Sample Conversation Between Travel Agent And Customer. Avez-vous des rfrences ? Elle est la grande place. Ha! Try going through it slowly to work on pronunciation, then say it again at a conversational speed so the words flow more naturally off your tongue. Et toi ? In the Tourist Information office you can ask about the opening hours (or opening times) for parks, museums and galleries, etc. Bonne journe. Clerk : Alright sir, please wait a moment. Jaime regarder le foot. Cross the bridge and then turn right. Oui, merci. A stolen U.S. passport or ID card can be replaced at the embassy, and you might need their help if there is ever a political problem in France and you need to exit the country quickly. Oh, je pense que non. Following is a sample conversation between a travel agent and a customer. Moi, cest (Me, Im) Some of the most common jobs for native English speakers in a French-speaking country are an English as a Second Language teacher or an au pair. and ask o est X Where is X?. Benny believes the best approach to language learning is to speak from day one. For the purpose of our scenario, lets say you see a sign in the window of a language school looking for an English teacher, and you think you may be suitable for the role. You will find a post office there. This can also be used for children and animals. (Lets sit over there? will ensure that you dont find yourself in any sticky payment situations down the line. Use this polite phrase with your taxi driver before you hand over that crumpled sticky note withFranois address on it. Format your dialogue for clarity. (Okay. Imagine youre a college student studying in France. Its also acceptable in nearly any restaurant to use on instead of nous for we, as I mentioned earlier: On voudrait commander maintenant. Real human conversations usually dont follow predictable rules either! Comment vous appelez-vous ? Je conseille aussi beaucoup deau et de soupe. (How much does this cost? Il fait beau aujourdhui (Its beautiful weather today), Il fait soleil/Il y a du soleil (Its sunny), Il fait venteux/Il y a du vent (Its windy). End of the free exercise to learn French: Dialogue : A visitor from abroad. Daccord. Je vous prsente (lit. Switch roles, too, so that you both have a chance to say each line. You can also ask for a public transit map specifically: Puis-je avoir un plan du mtro, sil vous plat ? Elle est la grande place. Je voudrais ouvrir un compte. Wherever you go in France, youll find a whole host of things that make the area unique. These French phrases will help you make the most of dining in France. Its important to note that in France, a carte de crdit (credit card)is actually a debit card. The relationship between spelling and French pronunciation can be complicated. Informally, it's also common to say ouais or ouaip instead of oui like saying yeah or yep in English. Whether its local French cooking, events or linguistic differences, it pays to research the place youre going and, if necessary, learn a few basic French phrases relating to whatever may be going on around you. And he had appointment with tour guide her name is Febi. Jtudie lhistoire parce que je veux tre professeur dhistoire au lyce. ), MDECIN: Avez-vous mal la gorge ou une toux ? Pas de problme. (Why is it s'il te plait and not s'il tu plait? Youre still working on perfecting the language, so you go to a local event for FLE (franais comme langue trangre ) or French as a foreign language college students. It is in the town square. Je suis enfant unique. (Good. (How much is rent? Conversation Samples. au fur. might be more to the point. (Download). One more piece of useful vocabulary: once you're in the metro station, you might want to ask someone o est le guichet? Where is the ticket window?. It is a slight fever. ), VOUS: Nous allons prendre un souffl au chocolat partager. Et je voudrais une chambre avec une salle de bain, sil vous plat. And for dinner, what would you like? (Can I help you? (The menu, please. Dimensions of Creativity - Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam. While that number may seem overwhelming, in my opinion, this video has the best bang for your buck, so to speak. Its super to not go to the laundromat. Pujo : Of course. In Paris, for example, some museums and galleries are free to all on the first Sunday of the montha deal worth taking full advantage of! ), Combien a cote ? Click here to get a copy. (Yes, thank you. ), BANQUIER: Bonne journe. ), CAISSIER: De rien. Again, taking the time to really focus on what you sound like does pay off. Je suis la recherche dun (Im looking for a) Alright! You could also explain je ne consomme pas de produits animaux. I don't consume animal products. So s'il vous plat and s'il te plat both mean please (literally, if it pleases you), but s'il vous plait is the more polite version. Here's an example of o se trouve combined with another handy phrase to know: la station de mtro la plus proche means the closest metro station. ), On va prendre la bouteille. What are you studying? Le professeur travaillera chaque matin de 9h 11h30. Here are a few you may want to commit to memory. En plat principal, je voudrais le poulet cordon bleu. Carte bancaire (bank card) or even carte bleue (blue card) are also used to refer to a debit card. ), VOUS: Quand est le petit djeuner ? ), Comment dit-on en franais ? Travel around the world: the ultimate guide to plan your big trip! Unconventional language hacking tips from Benny the Irish polyglot; travelling the world to learn languages to fluency and beyond! Again, travel French isnt just about getting around, eating well and having fun. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc, or its affiliates. Enchante, Robert. ), MARIE: As-tu des frres et des surs ? As you may have guessed from the title, this video includes 239 dialogues in French.
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