As its name suggests, this object has been linked by scholars to two Aztec goddesses: one is the goddess of the moon, Coyolxauhqui, while the other is the domestic goddess Chantico. While she was meant to fast during a festive period, she ate paprika with roasted fish. Teteoinnan, meaning "mother of gods," is another epithet for Tonantzin and many other goddesses. A six-ounce cup of Chantico will vary in price between $2.65 to $2.95. This is also where you can pay for WoTCs School of Witchcraft courses and any type of reading, clearing, blessing, or spellwork. And to show that shadow aspect of Xochipilli, if he is angered, he may punish with disease. She was a powerful Aztec goddess and presided over the life cycles of men birth and death. Inspired by the Aztec goddess of fire, the M4A1-S Chantico's Fire is a stunning addition to any CSGO collection. Theobroma cacao, better known as chocolate. Chantico is a domestic deity who lives in your fire and keeps your home safe and cosy. Its a plant that is part of the agave family and is regarded to be one of the most healing plants of all. She was also the patron of Isla Esqueltica. Lets see this story in greater detail. The role of Mictcacihutl was to watch over the bones of the people that had died, for reasons that are mostly unknown. His name means either Hummingbird of the South or Left-handed Hummingbird. Full Moon 24 Jun 19:39, Imbolc - Feb 2ndOstara - Mar 21st/22ndBeltane - April 30th/May 1stLithia - June 21st/22ndLammas - July 31st/Aug 1stMabon - Sept 21st/22ndSamhain - Oct 31stYule - Dec 21st/22nd, Imbolc - August 1stOstara - September 21st/22ndBeltane - Oct 31st/Nov 1stLithia - Dec 21st/22ndLammas - Feb 1st/2ndMabon - March 21stSamhain - April 30th/May 1stYule - June 21st. At the nape of her neck is a band that forms the alt-tlachinolli, or water-fire, a symbol for warfare and pestilence. Coatlicue was seen as a creator goddess in that she gave birth to the sun and the heavens. For example, its leaves are woven into ropes, bags, and clothes. Xipe Totec was born first, somewhat functioning as a mentor and mediator for all of his other brothers. [3], Diego Durn makes no reference to the deity Chantico by name, but does reference a female deity Ciuacouatl which he associates with Xochimilco. Overview. Lightning and thunder were his tools to punish people for a lack of worship. The Codex Borgia depicts Chantico through an eagle foot covered in jaguar skin, a symbol of Chantico, sitting on top of a sacrificial blood-dish, alluding to warrior sacrifice. List Of Aztec Coloring Pages References . These facts have led some scholars to think that the two deities might be connected. Other Realms: Wisdom, Aztec Priests, Corn, Aztec Calendar, Books. Nicknames: Broken Face, Scatterrer of Ashes, He Who Lowers His Head. God of will and the sun, patron of war and fire, the lord of the South. Also, its one of the most prominent examples of pyramids in America. Other realms: Fertility, patron goddess of life and death, guide of rebirth, Parents: Tlaltecuhtli and Tlalcihuatl; Siblings: Chimalma dn Xochitlicue, Nicknames: Our Mother, Snake Woman, Serpent Skirt, Old Mistress, Corn Tassel Necklace. This head was called this way by Hermann Mayer, an important Mesoamerican scholar. In fact, he is sometimes considered to be the god of human sacrifice. Likely for this reason, she was particularly worshipped in the town of Xochimilco, where stonecutting was widely practiced. Since he basically allowed people to live after the fourth eclipse, he is seen as the personification of the fifth sun. The most sinister of Aztec deities also had a joyful side to her, however. Said red lines are placed at around the same height as black strokes seen in depiction of Xolotl. Xiuhtecuhtli is often mixed up with other Aztec gods, like Huehuetetl and Ometecuhtli. Her cult was particularly strong among stonecutters. If you continue browsing you accept its use. Tezcatlipoca is an Aztec god of magic, shapeshifting, shamanism, and animal-spirit connection. It was not unusual to see that in some religions, there were deities linked to both domestic and military matters. The last of the four important Aztec gods that gave birth to Omethecuhtli and Omecihuatl is named Xipe Totec, or the Red Tezcatlipoca. [2][5], According to texts from the informants of Bernardino de Sahagn, Chantico was worshipped in a temple known as a tetlanman, in which priests prepared "red and black pigments, sandals, a robe, and small marine snails" for Chantico's feast. See the About page. This particular god is believed to have originated not with the Aztecs, but with the Otomi or Chichimeca peoples. Either way, in this instance it gets confusing because the second child of Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl carries the same name as how we refer to the four brothers together. Probably thats why the Aztecs and scientists mix him up more often than not. Reassuringly protective goddess of hearth fires. One goddess that was related to fertility is called Chicomecoatl. Chimalma is one of the oldest of the Aztec goddesses, and the mother of Quetzalcoatl. Xiuhtecuhtli, too, was rather old and archeologists had to dig deep into the ancestral memory to uncover him. [These pages use text from Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. In addition to being a god of war, he was also a god of the sun, of women who died in childbirth and warriors who died in battle. Nicknames: Itzac-Mixcoatl, Camaxtli, Camaxtle. Because of a process of extension of her prerogatives, the Aztecs came to think of her as the protectress of their empire as a whole: it has been reported by the Spanish that Moctezuma, one of the last Aztec emperors,had an idol of the Aztec goddess Chantico with a removable leg, that he would have used as a tool to curse the land, obstructing the advance of Hernan Cortes. She is also the goddess of volcanoes, and is sometimes associated with warfare, pestilence, and fertility. Try entering just the first three or four letters. Scholar H.B. Though he is considered part of the Aztec pantheon. Perhaps thats why dogs like crouching beside the fire. We have tried to collect as many Holy Aliases as possible. [2][5][6][8], Although most commonly referred to as a female deity, the gender of Chantico remains unclear in certain historical writings. While Quetzalcoatl and his brothers manifested civilization after the fourth eclipse, Tonatiuh is referred to as the Fifth Sun. Technically, she wasnt the mother of all Aztec gods. Anyway, there seem to be no other pieces of information clarifying this association of her with butterflies. With the maguey as her base, Mayahuel is also related to the realm of fertility and connected with notions of fecundity and nourishment. He was the one that created the first Sun, and therefore the god of life, the creator of the first life on earth. Aztecs, in case you werent aware of it yet, had a big thing for nature. She was also considered the creator of jewelry and was associated with fashion and cosmetics. When Tezcatlipoca manifests, he frequently takes the form of a jaguar, coyote, or other animal. Another evil power almost had the same name, Mictcacihutl. He was in constant battle just to keep the sun up in the sky, something in which his warlike spirit came in very handy. The ones that he is often confused with are two gods considered to be the oldest and most revered of Aztec gods and goddesses. "[1] Chantico is also said to also have been called Quaxolotl ("Two Headed"), since the male Aztec deity reigning over fire is named Xolotl. But they also believed we all could be both good and bad. Besides the ones already mentioned,one of Chanticos symbols was an eagle foot covered with the skin of a jaguar, located on a dish of blood. With his flayed human skin, the Flayed One would be of great but mostly unnoticed importance compared to his brothers. This is connected to the sun cycles of Aztec mythology. In her role of protectress of possessions, of the house, and, more generally, of the Aztec homeland, the Aztec goddess Chantico was thought to be able to deny access to strangers and enemies. She could be loving and nurturing, but cruel and destructive because the Earth is all of these things. Appearance: Mature Woman. The group of brothers is called the Tezcatlipocas. Tlaloc was a widely-worshiped deity and there was a site in Tenochtitlan dedicated in his honor. Xochitlicue was the Aztec goddess of fertility, and therefore also of life, death and rebirth. Examples: JUPITER, JUP, JUPI. She protected and aided women who died in childbirth. To cite this article in an academic-style article or paper, use: Maup van de Kerkhof, "The 23 Most Important Aztec Gods and Goddesses", History Cooperative, November 29, 2021, Fun fact: Tried to stop Quetzalcoatl from remaking civilization but fumbled the bag. In particular,she was often associated withthe god Xolotl: their connection was represented by the fact that they both were often depicted wearing theyacaxtuitl, a blue nose ornament. Some might call her a psychopomp, she guides those who have died to the other side safely. Her cult was particularly strong among stonecutters. Indeed, she was the consort of the god of the dead and co-ruled the lowest level of the underworld with him. Chantico's headdress in the Codex Rios displays military attributes: a crown of poisonous cactus spikes, related to danger and aggression; a crest of aztaxelli, green warrior's feathers, connecting her with warfare. In a culture known for its violence and expansion, Huitzilpochtli also makes a good case for the most important Aztec god. She is in charge of material wealth and valuables, as well as safeguarding the house from theft and loss. But theres much more to this deity than meets the Christian eye. More than anything, Tezcatlipoca appears to be the embodiment of change through conflict. Nicknames: Maize Cob Lord, the Dried Ear of the Maize God. Well, Xiuhtecuhtli was exactly that. According to some scholars, the cult of the Aztec goddess Chantico would have originated there where she was most worshipped, in the town of Xochimilco. Ostara September 21st/22nd Because of this, he is so thoroughly related to war, fallen warriors, the hunt, and the Milky Way. According to the Aztec religion, Chantico, or Xantico, was the goddess ruling over the family hearth's fires. Xipe Totec is connected with agriculture and rituals, but also with agricultural renewal and warfare. Anti-Aging Collagen Moisturizer Anti-Aging Collagen Moisturizer . Further, hes known as the Smoking Mirror and is considered the opponent (and brother) of the beloved Quetzalcoatl. Aztec gods and goddesses often come in pairs, so its not surprising that there is another god of corn called Centeotl. Apart from being the mother of the gods, she is also considered to be the fertility goddess and wears a serpent skirt. As a hearth goddess, she was venerated in the home as well as in temples. It was believed that she lived in the family hearth, providing warmth, comfort, and peace. Underworld. In the tonalpohualli, Chantico rules over trecena Ehecatl (wind). Can you help me to figure out? Gods are often known by several names. He (she) presided over these thirteen signs. It is believed that people that are born on the day Chantico turned into a dog would encounter lifelong misfortune. According to this story, the Aztec goddess of fire Chantico liked paprika very much. The Aztec goddess Chantico was an example of this link, just like the Roman goddess Vesta was in the Roman religion. To honor the fallen warriors, people would pray and offer to Huitzilopochtli. Chantico, Chantico is the Aztec goddess of fire and hearth. New Historic Site Page Added - 29/03/2012, River Uncovered After 100 Years - 29/03/2012, Block Voting Cookie Chantico was a passionate and angry Aztec goddess. He existed way before the Aztecs started to worship him. Being the goddess who presided to the domestic fire, Chantico was connected to this element, too, and was therefore linked to the other fire deities of the Aztec pantheon. She is a guardian spirit who protects whatever is valuable and precious. Chantico, the goddess of the hearth, home, and volcanoes, bestows prosperity and stability to the household. After the fourth eclipse, this would include human life for the first time in Aztec history. She is the sister of Chimalma and Coatlicue, according to Aztec mythology. Luckily for Mixcoatl, Smoking Mirror allowed him to exist on his own terms after, creating a whole new deity. Sometimes, Mixcoatl is mixed up with the Smoking Mirror Tezcatlipoca. 5- Chantico. Well, mountains and caves were the place where he resided: a cave in mount Tlaloc. Allow Voting Cookie. He is seen as the very god that gave life to (the Aztec) people. Put your worldly goods in her care for the ultimate in home security. Or rather, self-definition. Therefore, she was also associated with volcanoes. She broke a fast by eating paprika with roasted fish, and was turned into a dog by Tonacatecuhtli as punishment. Some suggest that the reason behind this fact could be found in Chanticos association with fire: paprika, in fact, remembers fire both in color and taste. Besides water, she is also related to fertility and is considered to be the protector of children and women during childbirth. She was mainly associated with the fires burning in the house hearth but was considered to be the protectress of the house and of the possessions inside it in general. Chantico is in charge of precious things and is very protective of her treasures. She also wears a crown of poisonous cactus spikes, and takes the form of a red serpent. Both were seen as instrumental to the creation of life, and some even argue that Tezcatlipoca originally was the one that ought to give life to people. Huitzilopochtli was celebrated in the month of December each year and the city of Tenochtitlan was dedicated to him. She was a goddess associated with fertility, beauty, and love, and she served as the protector of young mothers. She manifests as a young woman with long black hair and bangs, and typically has flowers or tattoos on her face. He is the Lord of all business deals and opportunities. Sterling said Chantico will allow walk-ins but will start slowly for safety reasons during the coronavirus pandemic. This means that the Aztecs believed that the sun went to the underworld at night. By connotation, Xochiquetzal is also representative of human desire, pleasure, and excess, appearing also as patroness of artisans involved in the manufacture of luxury items. In charge of: the Hearth Lip Stain Collection. Fun fact: While normally referred to as female, its gender isnt actually certain. Reassuringly protective goddess of hearth fires. The Aztec empire, known back then as the Mexica, ruled central and southern Mexico for more than 250 years, between 1300 and 1541 AD. The Aztecs believed you could call on him to sniff out a good deal or even to see through someones lies and manipulation. Chantico is a domestic deity who lives in your fire and keeps your home safe and cosy. Her miraculous pregnancy embarrassed Coyolxuhqui and the crew, which made them decide to kill her as a form of punishment. Many of her depictions are painted red to represent this blood. We are often asked about mythology merchandise. Therefore, when the colonizers came they automatically assigned Tezcatlipoca to their concept of Satan. Imbolc Feb. 2 The Aztec people had many gods and goddesses that they worshipped, ranging from traditional sun gods to mythical gods and figures. Chantico: The Aztec Goddess of Fire. This native Mexican civilization design features ancient Aztec mythology god Chantico. Chantico was the Aztec fire goddess who kept the domestic hearth fire. [1] Chantico protects the home from thieves and losing things. But, the most famous use is to make pulque: a classic Mexican alcoholic beverage still used in Mesoamerican cultures. Popularity index: 12332. More specifically, he protects the warriors who have returned as hummingbirds. Tlaloc is depicted with features of a jaguar, with large eyes and teeth and sometimes claws. The Aztecs believed that the body of the god was the basis of planet earth in its latest creation. Website powered by. Some see him as a dragon-type being. Templo Mayor was one of the places where a colossal representation of Tlatecuhtli can be found. The baseline is that Tlaloc was a highly respected Aztec god, which is affirmed by the fact that Tlalocs main shrine sat at the top of Templo Mayor. She was patron of the stone-cutters of Xochimilco and later adopted by the Aztecs and included in their pantheon. Samhain April 30th/May 1st But also, just to eat. Other elements which help to identify her in codexes and images are the obsidian sandals at her feet, the so-called itzcactli, and a golden pendant at her neck, which probably was a representation of the sun. She is also part of the Thirteen Heavens. Starbucks named a deluxe chocolate drink after this goddess: serve her something comparable. According to inquisitorial records, Moctezuma reportedly used an idol effigy of Chantico that had a removable leg with which one would pound the earth in order to curse Hernn Corts's advances into the Aztec Empire.[5]. This Chantico Aztec Goddess Mythology Ancient Mayan Civilization design features ancient Aztec god deity Chantico. There was a ban on eating the stuff during a fast, but she just couldnt help herself. A festival dedicated to this deity, Dia de la Muerta, is still widely celebrated in Mesoamerican cultures and takes place on November 1st. One day, a fast of this sort, forbidding anyone to eat paprika, was pronounced by Tonacatecuhtli; nonetheless,the Aztec goddess Chantico could not resist pouring this beloved spice on her meal, which consisted of roasted fish. It represents a giant head and has been discovered in theTemplo Mayor, the most important and famous building that could be found in the ancient city of Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire. It stands for the outward expansion of the Aztec empire. Among stonecutters, she would have been also called Papaloxaual or Tlappapalo, meaning respectively butterfly painting and the one of the red butterfly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~, Imbolc August 1st Mictlan is the realm where Quetzalcoatl went and revived human civilizations. All of her face and attributes are painted red to represent the blood that is related to this misfortune. Only this would ensure the continued order of the earth and the ecosystem it represents. Her newborn child shielded her from the attack coming her way. Generally, Xolotl was related to fire and lightning, showing some overlap with the realm of Tlaloc. Chantico was known to stonecutters as Papaloxaual (Butterfly Painting) and Tlappapalo ("she of the red butterfly") [2], According to the Codex Vaticanus A, also known as Codex Rios, Tonacatecuhtli turned her into a dog when she broke fast during a religious celebration by eating roasted fish and paprika, leading her to gain the name "Nine Dogs." While the Aztec diet was mainly vegetarian, hunting still played an important role. They said that he who was born on the first sign of Air (Wind) would be healthy by his nativity; but that if he grew ill of pains or cancer, that his disease would be incurable. We dont wish to gossip, but she also seems to have a secret double life as the Fertility Deity Cuaxolotl. In Mexican mythology, Chantico was the first to . How old is the United States of America? It is believed she lives within the flames of the home's oven or furnace where food is prepared. Made for the art book "Age of Pantheons". Well, Aztec mythology will probably always be confusing for the average reader. Once there was indigenous Mexican people called the Aztecs with their own wild, beautiful pantheon of gods and goddesses. In the Aztec civilization, Chantico was known as a goddess of fire. Name: Chicomecoatl. The Aztec goddess Chantico was an example of this link, just like theRoman goddess Vestawas inthe Roman religion. As with many other Aztec gods and goddesses, Tlatecuhtlis temper was controlled through human sacrifices. Or so says the god of commerce, Yacatecuhtli. Chantico is the goddess of fire, hearth, and domesticity. She was Queen of the Ages. Putting all that first, heres some ways in which you can begin working with these powerful deities: Hi, i have a statue and would like to know what god is it. Xantico (Chantico) ("she who dwells in the house") is Goddess of the firebox, of fires in the family hearth and volcanoes. In the esoteric tradition Taurus represents earthiness and fecundity, growth and incarnation. A six-ounce cup of Chantico contains 390 calories, 20g of fat and 50g of. Nicknames: Movement of the Sun, 4 Movement. Her representations, in fact, usually displayed a crown made of spikes of a poisonous cactus, which was seen as a sign of aggressivity and peril,and at the top of her head was often present an ornament of feathers, which were a typical symbol of warriors. Chantico is the Aztec goddess of fire and hearth. In addition, among her accessories could be found the so-calledalt-tlachinolli, or water-fire, a necklace which also was linked to warfare. The meaning of Chantico Aztec goddess: Origin of the Name, History of Chantico goddess and Most Important Myths Related to Her. Please confirm you want to block this member. Chantico was the Aztec goddess of both pain and pleasure. Beltane Oct 31st/Nov 1st Anyway, none of the surviving sources in their possession is able to confirm or clarify this point. He carries characteristics from the Feathered Serpent, which gives him one of his nicknames: Ehecatl-Quetzalcoatl. In Aztec religion, Tlaloc is the rain and water god and is worshiped as the one that gives life to the earth and establishes agricultural fertility. The Aztec god, too, is also referred to as the Smoking Mirror or obsidian mirror because he was often depicted with one of those as one of his attributes. According to Aztec myths she brings wealth and stability to the home. Anyway, in Aztec religion, food was a prerogative of the god Tonacatecuhtli, who used to occasionally declare fasts, i.e. Despite its elaborate appearance, Chantico's Fire remains a budget-friendly option for players who appreciate art and mythology. He ruled over the element of water. Nicknames: Jade Skirt, She who shines like Jade, Possessor of the blue skirt, There are many Aztec water deities and the most important among them is Chalchiuhtlicue, the goddess of life-giving waters, rivers, and seas. A goddess of abundance, Chicomecoatl presides over the fields over corn and agriculture. Well, at least partly. Do we sell Chantico graphic novels, books, video or role-playing games (RPG)? - Aztec Goddess. Liked it? - Remy De Gourmont, Colour and Incense of the Day:Monday, 01 May 2023, Todays Colour is: HeliotropeTodays Incense is: Delphinium. Huitzilopochtli led the Aztec people to Tenochtitlan, a fact that was not easily forgotten: half of the city's Templo Mayor was dedicated to him. She was considered a primordial god and seen as an old woman. Chantico is associated with health, fertility, wealth, and abundance. Please do not copy without permission. Angered, Tonacatecuhtli changed Chantico into a dog, as a form of punishment. Myth and Ritual. One of these was Quaxolotl, which would have meant split in the upper part,and would have therefore been a reference to Chanticos link to the god of duality and twins, Xolotl. Later, it would become clear that this was probably Tlaltecuthli. Welsh Goddesses and Gods: List and Descriptions + How to Honor Them, Research and study the mythology, folklore, history and culture of the Aztec peoples, Study the history and modern culture in the areas of Mexico where the Aztecs once lived (and of their descendants today), Make sacred space for the deity you plan to work with, Reach out to this deity via meditation, trance work, and dream time, Embody the Aztec god or goddesss energy in a positive way, Work with the animals associated with that particular deity (i.e. Chantico, The Aztec Goddess of Fire and the Household from 26 Apr 2023 17:30:00 Established 1999. But, they can still be manifestations of the same god. First Quarter 18 Jun 04:54 So lets not make him angry. Literature. (Copyright notice.) [5], During the Aztec empire, Chantico held strong associations to military forces. She is also considered to be the one who gave birth to the moon and the stars, celestial bodies that are often related to the gods of the Aztec empire. The deepest part of the underworld, that is, and Mictlntcutli was in charge. Angered, Tonacatecuhtli changed Chantico into a dog, as a form of punishment. She is depicted sitting on a chair, under which a flask lies, and wearing a nose ornament known as a yacapapalotl. Quetzalcoatl, better known as the Feathered Serpent, was one of the most important Aztec gods and a jack of all trades. Shes in charge of precious things, and is very protective of her treasures. Which they also created. Sometimes it is believed that the Aztec god flayed his own skin to feed humanity. This is connected to the sun cycles of Aztec mythology. Chanticos figure is linked to one of the most impressive and important archeological remains found in the lands once occupied by the Aztecs: the so-called Coyolxauhqui-Chantico monument. Pronunciation: Coming soon For this reason, probably, Chantico had a tight link to the army and to military life in general, which was made evident in her iconography. Purely based on his name, he would be referred to as the year of fire, but also the god of the year and of time. All credit was given to him if a battle was won. [1] She is sometimes shown wearing a crown of cactus spikes and red snakes. She presided over the ancient festival of the dead. [4] Chantico was also known by her calendric name, Chicunaui itzcuintli (Nine Dog). Anyway, she was also referred to with other names. Chicomecoatl was a goddess of plenty, and was an Aztec version of the triple goddess. She was shown in maiden form carrying flowers, in mother form carrying corn, and in crone form who brought death in a subtle and loving manner. The Aztec goddess would, too, prophesize the fall of the Aztec empire. In an effort to smooth over her injured feelings because she was treated so roughly, the Gods filled the Earth with forests, flowers, valleys, waterfalls and other nice places over her skin. Your donations help keep the WOTC meet its daily operating expenses and most importantly spreading the word of our Goddess. Goddess of lust, carnality, sexual misdeeds. CORAL CASTILLO (@coral_castillo) on Instagram: " Aztec Fire Goddess- Chantico, is an Aztec goddess who protected and kept the fire o . As a rain god, its not hard to understand that Tlaloc is associated with water springs and lakes. For example, the Codex Rios presents ambiguous pronouns, stating, Cantico they say was the first who offered sacrifice after having eaten a fried fish; and that in consequence of the presumption of offering sacrifice without having fasted, Tonacatecuhtli became incensed, and pronounced a curse against him (her), that he (she) should be changed into a dog, which is an animal of a very voracious nature; and accordingly they named him (her) Nine Dogs. [1] Please mention when praying to the Gods. This could also be seen in the four most important Aztec gods as earlier described. Tezcatlipoca Aztec God of Night. [2] Chantico was also worshipped in the twenty ninth building of Templo Mayor according to Sahagn. [2] However, H.B. Because of a process of extension of her prerogatives, the Aztecs came to think of her as the protectress of their empire as a whole: it has been reported by the Spanish that Moctezuma, one of the last Aztec emperors, had an idol of the Aztec goddess Chantico with a removable leg, that he would have used as a tool to curse the land, obstructing the advance of Hernan Cortes. In fact, they were fighting more often than not. With her red serpent accessories and crown of poisoned cactus spikes, she symbolizes the combination of pleasure and pain. Eyes. Xochipilli is believed to be the patron of both of these realms. [1] According to Fray Juan de Torquemada, Chantico was also worshipped in a temple constructed by Moquihuix, ruler of Tlatelolco, in an attempt to conquer Tenochtitlan. The depictions of Tonatiuh in the Aztec capital city were ample, which made researchers believe that he was one of the most important Aztec gods. These two are considered to be the old god and the lord of duality. The next Aztec god is the most creative one thus far. Contains spam, fake content or potential malware. Other realms: Fertility, beauty, love, mothers, newborn babies, Nicknames: Ichpochtli, Xochiquetzalli, Xochtli, Macuixochiquetzalli. According to the Aztecs, the second and fifth coming of the sun were realized thanks to potentially the most important Aztec god of all, Quetzalcoatl.While former life on earth vanished because of the fourth eclipse, the realm of gods was still alive and kicking. She is a guardian spirit who protects whatever is valuable and precious.
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